
  • Promote sustainable agricultural marketing in the state by removing state regulations on the farmer.
  • Streamline/fast track emergency repair of environmental damages from natural events.
  • Review state wide environmental regulations for effectiveness

The Gulf Oil Spill is an example of the need for a state to recognize industrial situations that may require specific disaster preparedness. States should also consider the longer term environmental impact that any industry may create and require companies to have a mitigation plans in place.

2 Responses

  1. johnbabiarz_admin - October 4, 2010

    Tyler, I have designed, installed and used a self contained solar installation for house I once owned. This solar installation was done in 1984 and is still running to this date. I have also installed wind turbines. All I can say is the technology is still not cost effective at this time while there is infrastructure for easy hookup to the utilities. I am hopeful that the new organic light emitting diodes will make these system more feasible. I am oppose to CFL light bulbs as they are a greater danger to the environment than incandescent light build which are banned starting in 2014.

  2. Tyler - October 3, 2010

    I am currently working with Greenpeace so I hope that solidifies the fact that I know things about the trouble the Earth is in right now. We need to close Vermont Yankee and stop funding nuclear energy. Nuclear energy causes cancer and poses an enormous threat to anyone living nearby. I’ll strongly consider voting for you if you make and keep promises to give tax credits for solar installation. Solar energy doesn’t have to pose a threat to utility companies if they install solar arrays and stop using dirty coal to keep our lights on. Wind and solar are going to be the future, all that is to determine is when the future becomes the present and how many people suffer from climate change before we make a switch from fossil fuels.